Handed out free lights and reflexes

reflective vest

Mehari Negash already had a light on the bike and got his thumbs up in the Visible Cyclist campaign on Tuesday morning. Those who rode without were given free lanterns and reflective tapes.


It is early Tuesday morning at Høvik school. Reflective clothing from FAU, the municipality and the newly formed local team for the Cyclists’ National Association are ready, equipped with boxes of lanterns and reflectors to get new owners.


“We want as many children as possible to go and ride to school. Throughout the fall when it gets darker, it is very important to be seen well in the dark. Therefore, we would like to help more people are equipped with reflex and light,” says Ingebjørg Tofte, adviser for environment and society in Lier municipality.


However, one of the first to come cycling is a little past school age. Mehari Negash is on his way to work at the Plantation, and Ingebjørg Tofte only has to give him praise for both wearing a reflective vest and having a light on the bike.


“Yes, of course, I have,” says Negash, who rides every single day. This year, he is also considering putting on deck tires and cycling through the winter.


Many of the schoolchildren who come walking are already well visible with luminescent backpacks, reflective vests, and reflectors. Some cyclists wear reflective vests and many have reflections on the bike, but not many have light.


-Light on the bike is an easy way to become visible, smart to use on all bike rides and – not least – mandated in the dark and at dusk. We hope that more people take the opportunity and cycle all autumn and winter, with lights from the Buskerudbyen. If you did not get light today, the bike shops locally have a good selection, says Trond Solem, project manager for bicycles in Buskerudbyen.


If you are stopped by the police without a light on the bicycle at dusk or darkness, you can get a simplified charge of NOK 1200.


The visible cyclist is the Cyclists’ annual national autumn campaign, where the importance of light and reflex on the bike is central. Locally it is implemented in collaboration with the municipalities of Buskerudbyen. In total, nearly 500 bicycle lights were distributed in Drammen, Lier and Kongsberg in the morning hours on Tuesday.