The technical state of the vehicles worries the popular Spanish runners. And is that poor conservation a risk factor for runners even with safety vest, who live and share with the use of the road network.
This is one of the main conclusions of the Race of the 2016 Workshop. Led by the Association of Workshops of Madrid, whose motto is “For road safety from the responsible maintenance of the vehicle”, includes the updated guide «Run Between cars: tips for the pedestrian runner and responsible motorist »prepared by ASETRA, Stop Accidents and the Macomb Foundation. Each year, more than 11,000 pedestrian crossings and 5,800 traffic accidents involving cyclists are involved in Spain.
Train between well-maintained cars
Running is a healthy habit however not risk free if done close to cars. What do the popular riders think of their habits when training together and sharing motorists with the road network? How do they assess the state of the vehicles with which they intersect at intersections such as pedestrian crossings, exits from garages or traffic lights?
The above mentioned guide lists the most dangerous factors for these athletes when they run alongside the road traffic, either in cities or outside. “Running between cars” examines, among others, the importance of wearing reflective clothing, the convenience of not running headphones and music when approaching intersections with vehicles or the effect on the perception of the risk that fatigue causes on the runners. But, undoubtedly, the most relevant data arise from the survey conducted by the corridors themselves.
– 60% are aware of being a very special type of pedestrian when training in forced coexistence with road traffic
– Many do not aide the minimum precautions to guarantee their safety in intersections like pedestrian crossings, with or without semaphore, and exits of garages. Even those who in two-way ways do not value the importance of moving on the left shoulder
– Most runners in reflective vest still think it’s better to run down the road than on the sidewalk. This is because they suffer fewer joints, although the risk of abuse increases exponentially
– More than 90% are clear that, in case of crossing a vehicle, it must go at the appropriate speed to the track and be in perfect maintenance conditions, especially with regard to brakes, tires and shock absorbers.