With children about safety on the road

Safe crossing the road, rules of getting around on the road, are topics that were discussed during a meeting between policewomen and children from the school in Bithynia. During the meeting, students received uniformed reflective vests.

Last week (on Friday, April 20) policewomen from the Pavia Police Headquarters visited students from the first grade at the Primary School in Byte. The theme of the meeting was the safety of unprotected road users.

At the beginning of the meeting, the students received uniformed hi vis vests. Policewomen discussed why wearing such vests after dark is very important. Children also talked to policewomen about safe crossing the road at pedestrian crossings with signaling and without traffic lights. Policewomen also reminded about the rules of moving around the road without a sidewalk.

The primary school in Bithynia is located at the very busy national road No. 92. Therefore it is very important that children are aware of the essence of correct crossing the road. In order to make the young students aware, the policewomen who wear a reflective clothing went with the freshmen on the road and showed in practice how to cross the road, discussing the mistakes made by the pedestrians.

The last point of the meeting was to discuss the rules of cycling and the mandatory equipment of these two-wheelers.