So, dear construction worker, now take a break and let the children ran with their reflective vest! They can also do this: tap nails into boards, put stones on mortar until it bangs, or drill holes in concrete, which it just dusts!
The center management of the future Holston Gallery shows heart for all the small builders who, with their parents in the past months, have observed the construction work at Neumunster’s largest building site, sometimes with a longing, and invites to the children’s construction site: May, children from 4 to 8 years of age can sometimes look around the building site, which so far they have only been able to marvel at from the outside.
Experts show them how to go with the plastering, walls, roofing and the carpenter, and of course the young guests are allowed to try their hand at expert craftsmanship. Helmet on, safety vest on and off you go!
The children get an insight into the real construction site day and may ask the accompanying masters the famous holes in the belly: What was the tallest crane? What weighs a wall concrete? Or what else is urgent to clarify.
The center management promises an exciting day at the construction site, with accompanying program and a small surprise. Guests go through the construction site stations in two groups, from 10 am to 2 pm and from 2 pm to 6 pm. In between there is ample time to strengthen the little builders.
Several teams have already signed up, but there are still vacancies. Visitors should bring solid footwear and weatherproof safety clothing. Further information as well as the registration form can be found on the Internet. Registration is possible until the following Monday, 4 May.