Reflective elements for pedestrians. How much will it cost us?

Reflective material

Fine up to 2500 crowns! Such sanctions should be brought by an amendment to the Road Act approved by the government. These sanctions threaten pedestrians who, in poor visibility, will not have protective reflective elements outside the municipality. How much does this new measure, which still has to go through the legislative circle, cost us?


Increase road safety. This is the intention of the amendment to the Road Act, approved by the government. The amendment introduces, among other things, the obligation of pedestrians to wear reflective elements in poor visibility, in darkness or fog, on roads outside municipalities. The original draft of the amendment was that the obligation would apply also in municipalities, but that eventually fell out of the law at the legislative council of the government.


If they do not have pedestrians, they face a fine of CZK 1,500 to 2,500. “I am not a big supporter of repressive interventions, we should explain to pedestrians that it is for their safety,” said Transport Minister Dan Ťok.


And how many of us will the new measure if passed through parliament and signed by the president, the state? The most basic equipment is not expensive and anyone can buy it. Moreover, at many security events, these elements are distributed free of charge. Basic reflective tapes, which can be wrapped around the arm or arm cost about 30 to 50 crowns. Like various reflective pendants and stickers, their price is usually between 10 and 50 crowns.


Also, some people have already solved the problems with reflective elements, because much outdoor clothing already wears these elements.


Reflective elements significantly increase the visibility of pedestrians, with reflective fabrics it is visible at night up to 200 meters, in white clothing only 55 meters and in blue clothing, it is only 18 meters. “Reflective material is visible at night three times greater than white clothing and more than ten times greater than blue clothing. At 75km / h, the driver needs at least 31 meters (1.5 seconds) to realize the danger and the corresponding reacted in a way, “says Besip.


Safety reflective elements can be attached to hands, feet, back or backpack. According to experts, however, it is best to place them in places with which we move, such as feet or hands.