BESIP distributes 100 thousand reflective tapes by April

Prevention is also targeted at BESIP, which is part of the Ministry of Transport. “Together with the BESIP shelf, reflective vest are distributed to people for free. Since the beginning of the year, nearly 15,000 have been donated. Furthermore, the Czech Tourists Club will give 10 thousand reflection elements, for example. At this year’s Moto salon in Brno, 10 thousand will be handed out, “said Tomas Neola, spokesman for the Ministry of Transport.


During March and April, BESIP plans to hand out 100,000 of these items.

From the new duty of shining, some municipalities also promise to limit prostitution. The women waiting on the road tend to refuse to reflex reflective tapes. “We believe there will be more controls and the presence of the police discourages potential customers from stopping prostitutes,” said MF DNES deputy mayor in Nomo Robert Vanes.


For example, in Vipers, prostitutes now control more. “In our cadastre, we stand on the outpost to the border where we can use the controls. I see another sub-lever in that, “said Peter Majorly, Chief of Police at the local police.


The police presidium, however, claims that its people are not specifically targeted at prostitutes. “As a rule, the police do not as a rule investigate the reason for the pedestrian on the road during his / her activity in relation to road safety. It is important that the purpose of the law is met and that the pedestrian is sufficiently visible to other road users. The purpose of this legal regulation was certainly not to fight prostitution, but to make pedestrians more visible, “added the spokesman Josef Boca.



Emergency personnel dressed safety vest in an accident simulation

The police in safety vest of Different safety and emergency forces of Navarra participated this Thursday in a simulation of an accident and subsequent fire in the tunnel of Leiden of the A-21 Autodial Perrine. The event, which has been coordinated by the Civil Protection Service of the Government of Navarra, aims to verify the effectiveness of the implementation of the Emergency Plan for Tunnels (PETNA) of the Road Network of Navarra.


In addition to the troops mentioned above, in today’s practice, the 18 students is being developed at the School of Safety and Emergencies of Navarra between October 9 and on November 28. The activity is carried out in the scenario of the so-called singular infrastructures and is included in the module ‘Direction, command and control of emergencies’ of the program of the course.


The simulation of this Friday is included within the strategy of verification of the Emergency Plan for road safety. Directive 2004/54 / EC establish that tunnels of more than 500 meters in length must have emergency response plans. Although Navarra does not have a similar regional norm, the Government of Navarre has a plan that includes the minimum-security requirements established in that Directive.


In addition to the simulation that took place, the Department of the Presidency, Public Function, Interior and Justice developed last Tuesday, November 14, a technical day of emergencies and security to present to the operative groups the draft of the Emergency Plan in Tunnels of the road network of Navarra.


Emergencies that may arise within a tunnel’s facilities are cataloged on a scale of 0 to 3, from least to greatest severity. Among the incidents of level 0, conditions that occur in the normal use of road infrastructure are classified, such as water leaks, meteorological incidents or obstacles in the siding. Level 1 encompasses the conditions that only require police assistance, for example, incidents that require traffic regulation. Within the level two emergencies, in addition to police assistance, other means of intervention in emergencies (health care, rescue, rescue, logistical support, etc.) participate. Finally, in an emergency of level 3, a more serious range, exceptional means intervene.


The risk involved in traffic through a tunnel is related to both the length and the number of vehicles that circulate through it. Following this aspect, in Navarra, the steps are those that have an appreciable emergency risk.


There are a series of guidelines that should be followed at the time of suffering or finding an accident inside a tunnel. As a first step, you have to turn on the emergency lights and stop the engine. Before leaving the vehicle, it is necessary to put on the reflective vest and after that go to request help, using the SOS poles or by calling 112.



Operation “Well seen together”: what security for cyclists

In association with the General Insurance Agents and with the support of road safety, France Bleu Saint-Etienne Loire offers a special day “well seen together” this Friday, October 27th. The opportunity to question is the safety of cyclists in Saint-Etienne.

The transition to winter time takes place this weekend. It is synonymous with a significant increase in the number of road accident victims, especially among the most vulnerable, pedestrians and cyclists. Indeed, the night falling an hour earlier, pedestrians and cyclists are less visible because of this lack of brightness. AGEA and France Bleu are therefore organizing a “Well Seen Together” prevention campaign and offer our listeners a visibility kit including: a yellow reflective vest with reflective stripes, a yellow backpack with reflective stripes, a reflective bracelet, adhesives to stick on bicycle frames. Come see us this Friday.


What security in Saint-Etienne?

Good visibility is not everything. For good cycling, especially in the city, you need bike paths. And obviously, in Saint-Etienne, it misses a little. It is enough to settle at an angle of the place of the Hotel to realize the problem. First there are very few cyclists. And most importantly, they do not know where to put themselves. The first rolls on the tracks of the tram, the second on the sidewalk and Miguel, a young student, are down from his bike! Too many people, too much danger, and do not even try to convince him to take bi-directional cycling.


It’s very dangerous “- Miguel, Saint Etienne cyclist

“It’s super dangerous! I prefer to make a detour and take the streets in the direction of traffic of cars that take double-meaning,” says the Stephanotis. “And if I’m really in hurry, then I get off my bike before being honked by cars that do not understand what I’m doing there and for good reason, the signage is on the ground and they do not see it.”


So Miguel often finds himself, like others, on the tracks of the tram, yet forbidden. And it’s not just downtown that’s a problem. Pierre-Yves has been pedaling for 20 years in Saint-Etienne, but it’s been a long time since he ventured on the boulevards: “The cycling network of Saint-Etienne lacks continuity, for example on the boulevards, there is only fragments of bike paths, without continuity we have to go down often on the roadway.” With all that, Saint-Etienne is one of the biggest French cities in the field. Only 0.9% of the working population moves by bicycle in the Loire against almost 4 in Isere and even more than 6% in the Bas-Rhino.


And the town hall does not seem to really take the problem seriously. First, the physiognomy of the city is what it is. “We are not going to drop the buildings to widen the streets of the center”, assistant in charge of the town hall of Saint-Etienne. Then, the city has created 18 new kilometers of bike lanes for two and a half years thanks to the zone 30 in the city center, but these are not kilometers of protected bike paths, they are the famous double-senses that do not please cyclists without high visibility vest… Saint-Etienne does not want, like other cities, to deter cars from entering the center. “There is no question of reversing the balance of power between cars and bikes; it is not up to us to encourage people to take the bus, their feet, their car or a bike.”


Pedestrians in safety vest: be visible on the roads

In 2014, 499 pedestrians were killed in France and 4,323 admitted for their wounds, according to statistics from the National Observatory of Road Safety (ONISR). Since 2010, the mortality of this category of users is constantly increasing.


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At night, accidents are more frequent and more serious. The share of pedestrians killed at night represents 47% of the pedestrian mortality, or 233 pedestrians. It is a little stronger than that of all users killed at night (41%). But this proportion varies according to the environment: pedestrians killed at night represent 32% of the pedestrian mortality in the city (342 of which 110 at night), 73% of the pedestrian mortality on roads outside urban areas (113 of which 83 at night) and 91% pedestrian toll on motorway (44 of which 40 at night).


At night or in fog, pedestrian groups should be visible

Wearing retro-reflective equipment, such as the yellow safety vest, is not required at night or in low visibility. Road safety only recommends that pedestrians wear light-colored clothing or retro-reflective tape to be visible at 150 m instead of 30 m.

On the other hand, the Highway Code provides that “at night, or during the day when visibility is insufficient, the processions, convoys, processions or groupings of pedestrians must be indicated at the front by at least one white or yellow light.


Wearing yellow vest for drivers stopped on the roadside

Since July 2008, motorists and truck drivers have to wear a yellow vest when they are forced out of their parked vehicle on the road or by the roadside. Since 1 January 2016, this requirement also applies to drivers of two or three-wheeled motor vehicles. In addition, the Labor Code requires the use of high-visibility clothing for workers working on roads and highways during construction work or temporary danger.


Raising the awareness of the youngest

Many local initiatives to protect pedestrians have been adopted. Departmental councils require the wearing of the yellow vest for children who use the school bus. Since the start of the school year 2015, a half-day of awareness of good behaviors and basic safety rules has been introduced in high schools. Wearing retro-reflective tape or fluorescent visibility elements on clothing, school bags or armbands is recommended.


ADAC distributes safety tests to first-graders

The Federal Statistical Office recorded 28 674 injured children on Germany’s roads during the past year, 71 of which were fatal. Whether you are traveling by car, by bike or on foot, road safety is always an important issue. “If you go to school, you have to deal with traffic,” says Jorgen Lecher, member of the board of directors for traffic, environment and technology at the ADAC Hessen-Thüringen, the first-graders at the ADAC.


Increase visibility

Here, the 122 students each receive a child-friendly safety jacket with hood and the silhouettes of traffic detectives Felix and Frieda, which increases the visibility of the children in traffic through reflectors and the signal color neon yellow to 140 meters instead of the original 25 to 40 meters. Thus, the drivers can adjust their pace and respond in dangerous situations earlier. Since the beginning of the action five years ago, about 4.5 million safety vests were distributed in Germany to first-graders and preschoolers; in Hessen alone, this year 58,000 are at more than 1,100 schools. “Every child who is killed in traffic is one thing too much,” says Hessian Minister of Education Alexander Lora. The small ones are disadvantaged in the road traffic in many ways, for example due to their small body size and their short legs. But dark clothing also makes children often overlooked. Particularly in the dark season’s autumn and winter, eye-catching clothing is therefore essential, says Lecher. A photo is designed to illustrate the problem to the primary schoolchildren: Four of the five illustrated children wear safety vests and are very good to look at, while the fifth is barely visible. Rose-Lore Schulz, the Deputy for the Deputy for Mayor Sven Gerick, also warned the children of inattention regarding the dangers of road traffic: “You only have to think of one thing: that you will come home safely.”


Get to other schools

Before the children move around the row to pick up their reflective vests, they promise to wear them on a regular basis. In the coming years, more schools will be reached with the action of the ADAC Foundation “Geber Engel”, for example by means of reporting by a private television station.


Silesian police in safety vest are offering free reviews

On Friday afternoon in Tychy started the activities of the Silesian highway “Make a free winter review”. The date of their launch was not accidental because it coincided with the beginning of the nationwide action “Zincs 2016”. Everything is regard to the road safety of road users. The action is carried out together with the diagnostic stations. From October 26 to November 4, nearly 30 vehicle inspection stations located in the 18 districts of the Silesian=, who would like to be able to check the technical condition of the vehicle free of charge before winter or on a long journey.


Controls will be:

– steering – responsible for keeping the driving direction constant or changing it according to the driver’s will, its smooth operation can help you get out of the slippery road, which is easy in the wet or slippery road in winter.


– A braking system designed to reduce the speed or stop the vehicle according to the driver’s will. Only uniform braking force on the left and right wheels allows for a safe braking maneuver in winter conditions.


– Vehicle lighting. Only correct alignment of lights and proper use of the reflective material will make us visible to others, and drivers will be able to see everything that happens on the road and affects safety.


– Car tires. When it is in proper condition, it will not allow the vehicle to lose its grip on the road in the winter, so the tread will be checked, any mechanical damage that will prevent further operation and tire air pressure.


During the action the police and the diagnose will give the drivers reflective vest, while asking if the pedestrians encountered on the road, especially at dusk, with a poorly visible pedestrian, stopped and handed him a “glare”. During the operation, everyone could use a roofing simulator from the Provincial Road Traffic Center in Katowice.


Interested diagnostic stations may still wish to participate in the action by contacting the police units in the cities in which they operate, prior to contacting the Roads Department of the Municipal and District Headquarters to update the list.

Pedestrians have their share of responsibility in road safety

Although it is the drivers who have to take precautions and be aware that they carry a dangerous machine, pedestrians also have their share of responsibility in road safety. And they do not always do. The number of pedestrians who cross inappropriate places or do when traffic lights are red is alarming, and yet the sanctions imposed by the Conceals on pedestrians are anecdotal. In fact, the fines are so exceptional that often the passers-by themselves do not know that their behavior can be penalized. However, it is. The Traffic Law, which was last updated only a few months ago, includes not only the rules of circulation that must be respected by drivers, but also those that must be followed by people walking, as well as the penalties for punishing those who Do not meet


Crossing the street outside the pedestrian crossings or walking along the roadway when there is a pedestrian area suitable for doing so can be penalized with a fine of 80 Euros. That same amount can impose the security forces to those who do not walk by the left outside the urban area or to those who circulate by highway or highway. Meanwhile, skipping a red light can cost 200 Euros. Under the new law, pedestrians are required to undergo alcohol or drug checks if they are involved in an accident or if they have committed an offense. In this case, if the result of these tests is positive, the fine can reach 1,000 Euros, and there will also be a penalty if the pedestrian refuses to submit to the controls. According to data from the General Directorate of Traffic, one in five pedestrians without any reflective vest struck during the year 2014 had consumed alcohol.


Also according to DGT data, between 40 and 50% of the abuses that occur in Galicia are due to infractions of the pedestrians themselves, who often forget that they are the weakest element in the road. Despite this, opinions on the timing of fines are found. In front of those who bet on the pedagogical value of the sanctions are those who believe that, especially if we speak of urban environments, the priority of pedestrians is above all else. This supposes that there was no sanction here, nor is there any provision for it, “explains a spokesman for this Council, adding that it is also not foreseen to make” campaigns to dire the peons, given that the city of Monteverdi is two citizens, and not two vehicles’.


Daniel Micelle, chief of the Local Police of this conceal, thinks that “peons obviously dye to respect the rule and make or dye to do”, but in his opinion “if the drivers pay due attention and moderate speed, this would change shrub. Caquetá of those that we take a car in the man’s we know that we can cater to nail persona, so Mellor raise or foot of the accelerator and pone to as much attention possible.


As in Monteverdi, Orense, a city in which the alarm has been alarmed by the high number of abuses, imposed fines last year on pedestrians for improper crossing. In order to deal with accidents, the Connell and Administrations with competencies in traffic agreed last week to reinforce the presence of Local Police officers in the street and to develop awareness campaigns on road safety.


In A Corunna, a total of 70 pedestrian fines were processed throughout 2015, although only three of them were due to infractions such as not crossing the pedestrian without wearing safety vest and crossing or crossing the red traffic light. The other sanctions concerned the carrying out of invasive activities that endangered people and circulation. In Ferrol complaints are dealt with in serious cases, such as the recent one of a person who did not pass through the pedestrian crossing and that when the agents caught his attention he not only crossed equally, but they lacked respect. In recent years in this city has imposed a fine per year to pedestrians.

A man without reflective clothing is killed by a car

According to the first data, the deadly crash happened on Thursday night on the N-121-A road linking Pamplona and France to Begonia could have occurred when the deceased man crossed the road at night, without reflective clothing.


O.G.F, a 43-year-old man from Cantabria, who was driving a truck on the N-121-A, in municipality, between this town and Sunbelt, was killed by a vehicle. The event took place near midnight, about 23.55 on Thursday. The driver of the car that was driving this man is a 19-year-old neighbor of municipality.


Crossing the road

Early indications indicate that the man, who was driving a truck, parked the vehicle on the right side of the road. Apparently, he wanted to cross the national road where the events took place on the other side of the road, where there is a gas station.

The driver of the car may not have seen the truck driver crossing the road, which caused the vehicle to hit him.


Everything seems to indicate that the deceased was not wearing reflective vest. The young man who was driving, a neighbor, was negative in all the tests that have been practiced, both alcohol and drug. Despite the impact, he was unscathed after the fatal accident.


Up to the scene of the events were patrols of the Provincial Police and Pamplona Road Safety as well as the team of attestations investigating the causes of the attack? That point of the N-121-A road between Donate and Sunbelt is complicated because truckers frequently park their vehicle on one side of the road and are often seen to cross on foot. The three lanes of the causeway and walk a stretch along the shoulder, until passing to the gas station and restaurant located on the other side. This is not the first time that a fatal attack has occurred near that point.



Wear reflective elements on the road for poor visibility.

MEPs backed an amendment to the Road Traffic Act, which, for example, permits the operation of vehicles or imposes on pedestrians the obligation to wear reflective elements on the road for poor visibility.


The template should also allow for the retention of the technical card due to the poor state of the vehicle. Changes aimed at enhancing road safety should be effective from 1 January 2016.


Pedestrians or other reflective material should always be wearing when moving on the road in reduced visibility, such as in the fog or in the dark. Sinners will face a fine of up to 2500 crowns. “Being seen at a sufficient distance is a crucial requirement from the point of view of the safety of traffic participants and particularly the most vulnerable participants, among them pedestrians,” the Ministry of Transport said.


The operation of trucks, where tourists run among others in the center of Prague, should be generally allowed but municipalities will be able to ban the road signs. Restricting traffic to municipalities is, according to the Ministry of Transport, a compromise solution balancing the interests of state and pedestrians, while less restricting the interests of the operators of trucks.


The prohibition imposed by the law would make the operation of these trucks virtually impossible. Adjusting the speed at which the seaway can travel. On the sidewalks, people would only be able to walk on the speed of walking, only on cycling paths they could ride without limits.


This amendment also imposes an obligation to clean vehicles from ice or icing. The driver will not be able to drive the vehicle on which the ice is or if the ice is on its cargo if the release of the ice would endanger road safety. This will not affect the common icing on the vehicle.


Drivers will not be able to endanger cyclists who cross the road at the crossing for cyclists. This will not apply to situations where the cyclist is approaching the crossing.

The amendment also proposes the possibility to withhold a motor vehicle registration certificate, a so-called small technical license, when the police on a car find a dangerous defect in controlling or explaining a traffic accident. The policeman will have to state, because of the failure of the certificate.


If the driver does not have a certificate with him / her, the vehicle operator will have to hand over the certificate within five days to the appropriate municipal office. It will get it back if it proves that it has removed the defect or that the vehicle is technically operational. The new detention facility will not apply, for example, to firefighting vehicles or rescue services.

10 rules for safe cycling

Cycling is a fascinating sport that brings us closer to the beauty of nature and benefits the health and psychological well-being. However, it is necessary to think of it, that cycling can be very dangerous. The cyclist is not protected by anything other than a helmet and a possible fall or traffic accident, for it can have serious consequences.


To avoid unnecessary risks, inspire the next part of the series Instructions for cycling. This time we will discuss basic advice department of the Ministry of Transport and Road Safety connect them with the laws of the road. BESIP for easier understanding formulates the principles of safety in cycling Ten Commandments.


  1. Status of the wheel and the gear

Wheel must be properly aligned with two fully functional, mutually independent brakes. Must have reflectors – white in front, red at the rear. The wires must be the two wheels orange retro reflectors, as well as on the pedals. Safety is essential bicycle helmet. Compulsory it must be persons under 18 years, but from my own experience I know that helmet saves lives all age groups.


  1. It is important to be seen

Always wear colorful cycling clothing, preferably with reflective vest. Although the vest does not look aesthetically pleasing, but it overlooked driver of the car, so do not be shy to use it. Especially in low visibility light advantage. Front headlamp must be white, red back, always with the power source.


  1. The alcohol does not belong to the wheel

After use of alcohol as well as other narcotic substances, decreasing reaction time, decision-making ability and impairing stability.


  1. No matter how many kilometers you move, but as you move

Begin slowly by bicycle. Dial the route that you can in case of fatigue slightly shortened. Avoid busy roads and remember that the sidewalk is only for pedestrians, as well as a transition.


  1. Is nothing worse than to think that the bike you gentlemen roads. Remember that even if you see the car, the driver may not see you. In addition, cornering on the roads may lurk spilled gravel spilled fuel, oil or motorist in the opposite direction.


  1. Use all the senses

If you change the direction of travel, be it early and clear sign of arms. Always hold the handlebars and watch the traffic that you drive. Unexpected pothole or channel that passes can cause a defect or crash. Use hearing, bike listen to loud music, not to phone and certainly do not write reports. Everything distracts and reduces handling bikes in crisis situations.


  1. If the road to the right

When driving, keep on the right shoulder. If you go in a group, keep such distances that the car could safely overtake and integrate into the gap. Larger groups are a good split and leave more space between the groups. Beware of parked vehicles that travel around the left – it may be that just the driver opens the door.


  1. Dead angles

Drivers of large vehicles have mirrors much larger blind spot, so often do not see the cyclist. In any case vehicle that left blinker signals the driving out of a parking space or branching.


  1. Lock the ninth round of their

Greater the stronger the lock, the harder it overcomes. Behind the castle is a good idea to pay extra, more expensive ones tending to have a safety case and it is not easy to break. Never lock the bike just behind the front wheel. In most cases, it is easy for thieves to allow the front wheel and take the rest of the bicycle.


  1. Injuries always reports

Failure to provide first aid in many cases criminalized. Collision where the injury occurred, do not ignore. Ask the road police in safety vest or Call the ambulance service by calling 155 or police on the line 158th.