The basics of high-visibility safety apparel

Workers in a wide variety of jobs and industries wear high-visibility safety apparel to alert others of their presence, particularly in dark or dim places. Users include utility linemen, construction workers, police officers, and school bus drivers, to name a few.


Different types

The materials in high-visibility garments, including vests, bibs, coveralls, and gloves, may look alike, but they have key differences. For example, “fluorescent material takes a portion of invisible ultraviolet light from sunlight and, through special pigments, sends it back to the viewer as more visible light,” the Canadian Center for Occupational Health and Safety explains. This type of material only functions in natural sunlight.


Another type of high-visibility safety apparatus is retro-reflective material, which returns light in the direction of its source. “This property will let a driver see the light being reflected from the retro-reflective tape on a person’s garment (as long as the person is standing in the light’s beam),” CCOHS notes. Although this type of material can be used in daylight, it is most effective in low-light conditions.


What to look for

In addition to complying with relevant OSHA standards for high-visibility apparel, employers should keep in mind certain factors when determining which apparel to supply to their workers. According to CCOHS:


Stripes of color that contrast with the background material provides good visibility and stripes on the arms and legs can help provide cues as to how the worker is moving.

All high-visibility garments should be fitted to individual workers. However, forget to take into account the bulk of clothing that needs to be worn under the device.

Keep worker comfort in mind. “Parts of the device that come in direct contact with the worker should not be rough, have sharp edges, or projections that could cause excessive irritation or injury,” CCOHS states, adding that the device should also be lightweight.

No clothing or equipment should cover the high-visibility materials.

Ensure workers keep their high-visibility apparel clean and in good condition.

Replace any garment that is worn, torn or excessively soiled, as it provides acceptable levels of visibility.

Hunting safety: “It’s never too much!”

The topic of hunting safety is increasingly current. There are more risk even the hunters wear the safety vest. The market adapts itself and even the habits of the hunters declare war on the always-fearful “tragic fatalities.”


In recent years in the hunting world, a bizarre and paradoxical phenomenon is being observed: there are less and less “guns,” but increasingly crowded. As many new levers do not replace our old men and many hunters have been oriented, for pleasure or necessity, towards the hunted boar hunt. The cyclopean human agglomerates that condense around the black beast can exceed one hundred units, especially in the “jokes-event” of some fanatic-hunting companies. The word SAFETY rebounds from mouth to mouth from the megaphone of every self-respecting headgear to the last post.


At first, they were the reflective jackets, then more and more accessories, from the hat to the scarf. Now it is difficult to find on the market a garment that is not visible through the leaves and leaves, just for a hinge or an insert. The market has absorbed what the hunting world is trying to assimilate, overcoming the aversion for certain materials and colors that are not “wild.”


Who has not seen with surprise a post a kilometer away, thanks to his orange jacket that led to our conscience the existence of a person in flesh and blood wherever our eyes could ever see it? In addition, what catastrophic consequences have been thwarted when, with the finger already on the trigger, the orange on the dog or its driver dazzled us, where we expected rather the long-awaited wild boar?


Let us face it: the high-visibility technology for someone could also be not very “aesthetic” but it is definitely functional and sustainable. In this regard, not only clothing and buffets but also the same weapons are proposed by the gun industry with orange polymer stockings or with fluorescent inserts on the stock and the rod that guarantee total visibility.


The gun industry does not offer us only high visibility. Today we come to meet us offering weapons more reliable and distracting: it is an example of the “manual cocking lever Hand Cocking”, which allows with a simple gesture of thumb to disarm the springs of the dog making the weapon practically exhausted ( and not only with the trigger locked) in the movements in the spot. The “security” revolution has not spared even the precious auxiliaries: high-visibility garments protect them from the sharp defenses of wild boars and from the dangerous oversights in the thick of the bush. In addition, in this case, the orange inserts are not just an accessory but also a form of coherence on the articulated security discourse. Here we go again; the password for hunting cannot be another. Everything else (passion, fun, friendship) comes a little later. The bag is never empty when we bring home health and life!