Grettenberger kindergarten receives safety vests

“Who of you knows what you need something?” Asks kindergarten director Walberg Vollmer, is holding up a reflective safety vest. “This one is seen by motorists better,” calls the five-year Jacob.


So as other boys and girls from kindergarten of the windmill village, they are easily recognizable in the future on the road. They received 50 safety vests, sponsored by Active per Streamer and Stahlberg.


This company donation Doris Glen has “seen let yourself” on Tuesday their private initiative continues. Together with Karl-Heinz Stahlberg, co-owner of the sponsor, they handed over the gift. 700 children in 13 kindergartens and neighboring communities have already been equipped with it as part of the action, explained Glen. Similar initiatives of trade associations had brought the idea of “something to do here as a meaningful thing for kindergartners”.


Elsewhere it was standard practice for a long time that children wore those vests with reflective tape. “I’m trying to spread the here,” said Glen. Anyone who wants to support their action, for instance, could fill the donation boxes that stood in petrol stations and shops. “This is an investment in the safety of children, which helps to avoid accidents,” says the initiator.


“This is a project that we support,” says Stahlberg. The issue of mobility and children has the company “on the screen”. As a father of five children there is also a personal connection for him.


“I think it’s a great thing that fits perfectly into the season,” says Vollmer. You darkened a room lit with a flashlight to the west and clarified the children so vividly the reflective effect of the strip. The reflective vests are to be equipped by their words with the logo of the municipal nursery and the name of his young visitors.

Police in safety vest checks in Frankfurt

The Frankfurt city police in reflective vest control in the next two weeks motorists and cyclists. Now in the fall the risk of accidents increases.


Barr, that’s cold outside, and it’s still dark so early. This fall!

For the start of school on Monday cyclists are not only caught from the weather is cold, but possibly also by the city police. The men and women in blue uniforms are then at all possible intersections and corners, two weeks, especially where a lot is going on. Stop cyclists riding traffic unconstitutional.


Then there is a dialogue like this: “Stop, here you go without light! Do not you know how dangerous that is? “-” Uh, excuse me. “-” You should now pay 20 Euros! For this time I let it in the warning. But here, these shortcomings card I give you with that let the bike shop where you stamp to buy a candle and then show it in front at the city police, right? “-” Yeah, well, okay. Thank you. Bye.”


Tempo measurements Schools

The sun says goodbye currently evening about 18 o’clock. All, really all need, is careful in the dark winter months not to get hurt.

Because in dusk and dawn the risk of accidents increases in the street by three times when rain and snow even to come tenfold, knows Rainer Michaels, head of the traffic safety of the municipal police. By contrast, there was only one way visibility. Who wears bright clothes with reflective tape or things that reflect who its illumination that falls on? “Let’s see you,” is the road safety campaign of the municipal police.


In addition, the city police measure speed on school routes and in front of schools. For two weeks, 70 blocks are controlled starting Monday. “This aims to raise awareness that students are traveling,” says Michaels.


Accidents happen not only when it is raging. People in the dark are hard to see. A black jacket, for example, is only 25 meters visible. Drivers can react in time then barely. From 40 meters bright clothes is noticeable, but even this distance travels a vehicle in a few seconds. 150 meters radiate reflective clothing, vests and light strips for leg. Such snap bands with the slogan “Let’s see you” spread the municipal police in the coming weeks.


That alone is not enough to be visible, a bike needs, according to Road Traffic Licensing Regulations not only front and rear light, but also cats eyes in the spokes (yellow), cat’s eyes on the frame (front white, red at the rear) , Furthermore, reflectors (yellow) to the pedals and well functioning brakes.


This is not only valid for bicycles. “Bright sounding bell” highway legislation also needs carriage.

Reflectors for pedestrians mandatory since August

Reflectors (safety vest, reflective tape.etc) must wear pedestrians who walk after dark outside built-up. Since September glare for pedestrians will be mandatory.


The tragedy was lacking a little. Ms. Alicia Lodz rode with her husband to leave the country. It was dark; the road was winding and narrow. – We drove Beetle; the car had no lights super strong. It was a communal way of access to the village. There was no lighthouse – says Bora. – I was tired, but we were almost at the end. Suddenly, some 30 meters in front of him, I saw a group of people. They walked down the road, had no glare, they were all dressed in black. I have not had a chance to see them before. The road was winding, and I saw these people only when I went behind the next turn.


Fortunately, Mrs. Alice managed to brake. – They’re too scared, some fled to the side of the road. Such a situation would not be if these people were more visible. Therefore it is very good that the rules will change and everyone – both children and adults – will have to wear reflectors – says Ms Alice. The new regulations enter into force on 31 August. With the new school year every pedestrian who is walking after dark outside built-up areas must wear reflective elements. – Reflectors must be placed in visible location son clothing – emphasizes the younger aspirant madder Bora department traffic the Municipal Police Headquarters in Lodz. – Everyone, regardless of age, will be required to wear them. So far elements reflective need only carry children less than 15 years of age. The new regulations are intended to improve pedestrian safety on the roads. Elements reflective in many cases, they save lives. – The exception, when you do not have to wear glare, there are places outside built-up areas where there is pedestrian road or pavement – marks younger aspirant Bora.


Police advised to stock up on reflective vests. – Then the pedestrians are the most visible and therefore safest – believes the younger aspirant Bora. – In addition to the life jackets we also reflective armbands. As for the other elements, it also performs well emblems that can be placed on the chest. Lodz policewoman draws attention to the fact that thanks to the glare driver will have a better chance to see pedestrians on the unlit road and thus prevent the tragedy.


– Important is also the color of clothing. If pedestrians at night are dressed in black and have no glare, really hard to see them – says the younger aspirant Bora. At the beginning of the police will not punish mandates. Officers intend to instruct and advise. The police do not want to scare fines, but to convince that the use of flares saves lives. Reflectors (safety vest, reflective tape.etc) can buy for a few pounds. With police statistics show that more than 70 percent of accidents involving pedestrians on roads located in areas of undeveloped takes place at night. In the past year across the country were killed in road accidents 1.140 pedestrians. That’s one-third of all deaths on Polish roads. Poland is the country with the highest number of pedestrian fatalities in the European Union. Every fifth killed a pedestrian in Europe a Pole.

Safety vest with remote control will improve safety

Lublin light blouse with reflective fabric material is the best in the national competition.

It is to ensure the safety of cyclists, especially in dimly lit rural areas. We are talking about light blouse, reflective vest or tunic with turn indicators and position light, located on the back. Design students from Secondary School transport and communication in Lublin just received the first prize in a national competition for innovative technical projects relating to agriculture and rural development.


– When the power turns on red light position, such as in a car that lights up nonstop. The steering wheel is fixed pilot. We have the two buttons. When we turn to the left, we press the left button and then begin flashing left turn. Lights on for 10 seconds and then turns itself off – explains the principles of operation Clichés…


Students dreaming of that light blouse with reflective tape went into mass production.

Reflective clothing saves cyclists at night riding

The big problem is that cyclist’s night is not well regarded. Wearing a safety vest can enhance the visibility and make cyclists be seen and be safer.

Well, now there is a spray that solves this problem…


Volvo has teamed up with a Swedish company to produce a spray Albedo100 whose job it is to make your reflective clothing. While day, natural light is invisible, it reacts with headlamp lights at night, and producing the same effect they have reflective strips.


In addition, it leads to first wash, so I do not have to wear the same clothes (or vest) every time you go out on the bike. It can be applied to a wide range of articles (and textures) different from accessories chic clothing, shoes, helmet, wheelchair or backpack with reflective tape.


Currently, the spray is able test – offering free vela six stores in London – and will expand the availability and internationally, if it proves feasible for commercialization.


Safety vest for actions outdoors

The fourth shift this year is held this weekend, on a beautiful trail, about 30 km.

All cyclists in safety vest are in shape are invited Saturday, August 27, from 08:30 route. Duration is estimated at 5-6 hours. During the tour, we will make stops regrouping and refueling with water and food, respectively. It will be a ride with medium to advanced difficulty. We recommend participation of cyclists with training, experience and a good health.


It is only accessible trail bikes and cross country mountain bike type properly equipped and we recommend wearing protective Castile and / or reflective vest. Please bearer mandatory participants have cameras bike parts, hats / caps, sunscreen, food and water, organizers transmitted from Green Bikes.


This trip Banat is the fourth in a series of six taking place this year already Banat traditional bike tours within the “Green Bicycle”, first of its kind carried on in 2009. The aim is to encourage movement actions outdoors, every have a vest with reflective tape to keep safety, make known the green surroundings of Timisoara and spend quality time in nature.

See and be seen – safety vest

Those who like fast running out, let us know: at this time of the year you will find it hard a time to train in daylight. The road to and from work and school is often made in the dark. And who in the fall anyway plant daytime training, confronted often with gray skies and rainy conditions. How do you make sure you can see where you are and, more importantly, how to prevent others see you in the dark about the head?


Fortunately, there are more and more products available to ensure that other road users you do not overlook. put some tips for you at a glance: sportswear

Buy sportswear? Please note that there have been processed reflective pieces of fabric at strategic locations. When the lights of a car, a lamp or the light of a bicycle shed light fabric on these pieces, this light material. This increases your visibility considerably. Almost all sports brands have high visibility clothing in their collection.


Anyone who in the dark sports, they must have: lights that you are clearly visible to others. Lately previously used mainly LED lighting: giving bright light, long lasting and is not too expensive to buy. You bind the lights easy for your arms and, if desired, your ankles, making you stand out well. A big advantage is that they weigh almost nothing. Many lights you can not only turn, but also blink, thus further increasing the attention. For a few Euros you go well on the road lit!


Reflective vest

It is useful if there is reflective pieces of fabric is incorporated into your workout clothes, but even more striking with a separate safety vest. You’ll of course not want to be limited in your movement. Where this kind of vests currently used around you fluttered in sports, is the fit of it now improved a lot. Also in the field of materials are major steps put forward: the fabric breathes more. You actually hardly notice you’re wearing a vest. But your fellow road users even more!


See for yourself

When you’re running in the dark, it is a mistake easily made. Such as stumbling you have quite a long load. Will not only be seen but also see where you are going? Wear a kind miner’s lamp to your head or choose a pet lamp. Or take a hand torch with you. There now (completely waterproof!) Even with an LED beam the road ahead well-lit. A red colored LED light on the back of the lamp makes sure you are highly visible to following traffic. This kind of flashlights can be obtained from the better sporting goods. Thanks so convenient!


Spoiled for choice

There are many more items available that increase your visibility. What to think of a lighted sports armband which you can put your Smartphone, LED illuminated shoelaces and shoe clips with reflective tape? Pay a visit to a sporting goods store and let you informed about sports lighting. Bring yourself and other road users unnecessarily at risk and make sure you are seen!

Motorcyclist in safety vest calls for safety and visibility

Spring is coming, the time for many bikers to meet their engine again stable. The Traffic and Transport Council (HVO) Groningen, the Traffic and Transport Consultation VVBD and the police in safety vest help bikers love to stay safe on the road. This spring they ask to go through a campaign of attention for safe motorcycling and motorcyclists give tips to protect and visible on the road. The slogan of the campaign this year is: “Motorcycling is a party as you stick to the dress code.


Good riding gear can save lives. A motorcycle suit of leather, nylon or fabric protects shoulders, elbows, back, hips and knees well when dropped. Thick gloves and high shoes or boots provide extra protection. Finally, wear a properly fitting helmet of course mandatory.


Visibility is not only good protection, but also stand out is important to prevent accidents. Clothing with reflective material enhances the visibility of motorcyclists. The road itself is wise to keep a sufficient distance to other road users. Continue working lighting is important to look ahead. Other road users see motorcyclists better than additionally.


Technical condition finally motorcyclists do well to check their engine before the first Spring Rally. The last stop in the winter for example, is not good for the tire. Also practice driving here can prevent accidents.


Flyers and posters via Face book and Twitter indicate the HVO and the police the next time tips to remain safe and visible on the road. Also, motor clubs, dealers and meanwhile campaign posters and flyers receive chance to hang out and share. In addition, the campaign from late March to see across is the county on reflective tape signs along the side of the road.

3,500 safety vests for police and civil guards

The Interior Ministry in 2017 will buy a total of 3,500 female safety vests for the National Police and Civil Guard, an acquisition that matches the demand in this regard came by agents of the State Security Forces. The department now runs Juan Ignacio Zoido made the acquisition in a contest that will draw to acquire 5,250 units this pledge security, as published by the Servimedia agency.


The demand for female vests for national police and Civil Guards has been raised repeatedly by groups of agents such as the Unified Police Union (SUP) and the Unified Association of Civil Guards (AUGC). This situation has led to a civil guard Salamanca has declared this last November for insubordination after refusing last August to get a male vest and insist on getting a female who had acquired on their own.


At the same time, according to data of the Interior, between 2012 and 2016 they were acquired 39,500 protective vests with reflective tape for State Security Forces. Specifically, 32,681 were for the National Police and Civil Guard for 5226. Also, within this overall figure 1,500 vests were purchased for the Traffic Civil Guard, whose agents have been in the past shootings and assaults during patrol work are included.


As published ABC, the controversy surrounding the safety vests arose when it was found that those of ‘life’ did not have the same effect on men and women. “They have to be adjusted to the body” to be “real” effective and is “impossible” that which suits a portly 1.90 can be useful to a small woman, denounced the Unified Association of Civil Guards. “Nor is solved with a smaller size,” he notes, because “curves” female make if these safety clothing are “straight” no “protected” and also reduce the ability of movement for actions like “unsheathe the weapon or access the shackles. ” Hence, the claim that is in line with the physiognomy of the agents.

Active Seniors in safety vest familiar with the road safety

Listens Pleszew University of the Third Age learned how to safely participate in traffic .Bank Cooperative in Pleszew gave them a reflective vest.


Police handed a large dose of information the Audience University of the Third Age, who came to the Police Headquarters a meeting in the framework of “I saw, and I heard…?”.

Head of the Department of Prevention encouraged observing what is happening. He urged that in the event; call the toll free number 997.


– By phone and inform the dispatcher commands that something happens, cause immediate response patrol police in safety vest – Thanks to avoid danger, maybe we can help many a man in need – he added.

With the favor of Cooperative Bank they received reflective vests. Marketing Tomasz handed all reflective vests, which are designed to improve road safety .Bank Cooperative also sponsored calendars, pens and leash. The vest with reflective tape can be useful when riding a bicycle or walking.